Application Design in PHP, ASP and SQL

Data driven web designs are largely accomplished through PHP/ MySQL,, solutions. Using these technologies we can provide websites that allow SME’s to compete with the largest companies. At the heart of any useful website is knowledge. Knowledge must be up to date and accessible and the best method of storing a this is in a database. We are experts in database technology used in solutions from storing a single element of news to accessing 100’s of thousands of elements.

We can apply databases to any situation:

  • product information storage/ delivery
  • ordering process
  • online shop
  • payments
  • customer information
  • member’s areas
  • mail shots

Intranet administration Examples of applications that can be ASP/ PHP driven:

  • forums
  • galleries
  • chat
  • shopping carts
  • booking/ reservation systems

Your website can be completely driven by either technology, allowing easy updates to content and the simplified generation of 1000’s pages with less work.


PHP code generally runs faster than ASP, as ASP relies on the COM model which requires more processor overhead than PHP which runs in its own memory space. PHP is generally seen as the advancing technology over ASP and due to its wide user base is expected to expand incrementally over coming years. While ASP has generally been seen as the choice for e-commerce applications, PHP development has caught up to the point now where it matches ASP reliability but has added flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

We are able to code sites in either language but we generally recommend a PHP/ MySQL solution as a first alternative.